Throughout the year we offer various places where you can serve and get involved. Some of these areas include missions and outreach locally, nationally, and even internationally.
For example, we are actively involved with Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan's Purse, we do block party events for the community. and we have had an incredible week putting on our FREE Beacon Kid's Camp this summer. Our hope is that we can share God's love and God's Word with the community that we love and beyond!
We've also been focused on helping people to grow in the Word. Through our Sunday School ministry and Triads (Wednesday nights), we have seen a renewed interest in people trying to hear and understand God's will.
Ways that you can grow:
Wednesday Evening
Every Wednesday night, we have an exciting new concept for growing in the Word called Triads, taking place at 7-8 PM:
This ministry involves people breaking into groups of 3-5 people to read, study, and apply the passage to their lives.
At the end of the Triads time, Pastor Fran will sum up the passage and give a chance for some more interaction.
Join us any Wednesday to get started in this exciting way to grow together in the Bible!
Need more information? Click here to contact us!
Men's Group- meets in the library
Women's Group- meets in the room next to the library
Couples and singles of any age (two groups)
Gospel Project- in room next to church offices
Bible Studies For Life- in gym
Students- in Student Room off of the gym
Children- classes in Beacon Kid's wing
Beacon Kids worship and nursery:
Nursery and pre-school ages 2-5 years old
Beacon Kids K-5th grade